Insights on Recruitment and Retention

Insights on Recruitment and Retention

We hear a lot from our partners about their staffing challenges. This week we’re sharing a bit about what we hear and some ideas for success. What makes staffing difficult? 1. Competition for Staff HCBS Providers compete with nursing homes, other agencies, and other...
How to Unlock Value-Based Payments

How to Unlock Value-Based Payments

For years, the home care industry for the disabled and elderly has faced the same challenges with few good technology choices.  Since most HCBS solutions were built for the medical industry, it’s little wonder the core challenges are still as difficult as ever: Staff...
Celebrating VOA South Central Louisiana

Celebrating VOA South Central Louisiana

For two years, Emily Kelly and Kimberly Stringer of Volunteers of America Supported Living Services in Baton Rouge have been helping Cura create the new generation solution for person-centered IDD support services. They recently reached a major...