The Power of Individual Goals in Person-Centered Support

by | Mar 6, 2024

PALS Graduation

Hello Friends!

These days, if you go to a concert, a graduation, or just out to dinner, there is a good chance you’ll see someone with a severe disability participating just like everyone else. 

We all feel joy and fulfillment when we achieve our goals.

This is no different for those in the IDD community we design our software for.

HCBS supports are no longer just about keeping people healthy and safe. Now it’s about helping those we care about live a quality life and achieve the goals they set for themselves.

After all, our goals reflect our desires, strengths, and potential.

That’s why person-centered support plans call attention to individual goals.

With a person-centered focus and adaptive devices, DSPs are helping clients experience all sorts of personal success.

People who may have lived in institutions years ago, are now realizing their hopes and dreams for the future: graduating from school, living independently, learning to swim, going snow skiing and water skiing.

Measurable goals make all the difference in the world – managed by the individuals and their families – and brought to life with their support provider.

We can’t be successful with support plans that live in a file in a cabinet.

Let us continue to champion the human connection in IDD support services. Helping clients live their most productive and rewarding lives is what HCBS programs are all about.